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Selected Publications (English):

AV Lebedev, K Acar, O Horntvedt, AE Cabrera, O Simonsson, W Osika, M Ingvar, P Petrovic (2023). Alternative beliefs in psychedelic drug users. Sci Rep. 13, 16432.

AV Lebedev, C Abé, K Acar, G Deco, ML Kringelbach, M Ingvar, P Petrovic (2022). Large-scale societal dynamics are reflected in human mood and brain. Scientific Reports.

AV Lebedev, K Acar, B Garzón, R Almeida, J Råback, A Åberg, S Martinsson, A Olsson, A Louzolo, P Pärnamets, M Lövden, L Atlas, M Ingvar, P Petrovic (2021). Psychedelic drug use and schizotypy in young adults. Sci Rep. 11, 15058.

AV Lebedev, J Nilsson, J Lindström, W Fredborg, U Akenine, C Hillilä, P Andersen, G Spulber, ECM de Lange, D-J van den Berg, M Kivipelto & M Lövdén (2020). Effects of daily L-dopa administration on learning and brain structure in older adults undergoing cognitive training: a randomised clinical trial. Scientific Reports.

AV Lebedev, J Nilsson, M Lövdén (2018). Working Memory and Reasoning Benefit from Different Modes of Large-scale Brain Dynamics in Healthy Older Adults. Journal of cognitive neuroscience.

AV Lebedev, M Kaelen, M Lövdén, J Nilsson, A Feilding, DJ Nutt, RL Carhart-Harris (2016). LSD-induced entropic brain activity predicts subsequent personality change. Human Brain Mapping

AV Lebedev, M Lövdén, G Rosenthal, A Feilding, DJ Nutt, RL Carhart‐Harris (2015). Finding the self by losing the self: Neural correlates of ego-dissolution under psilocybin. Human Brain Mapping

AV Lebedev, E Westman, GJP Van Westen, MG Kramberger, A Lundervold, D Aarsland, H Soininen, I Kłoszewska, P Mecocci, M Tsolaki, B Vellas, S Lovestone, A Simmons (2014). Random Forest ensembles for detection and prediction of Alzheimer’s disease with a good between-cohort robustness. NeuroImage: Clinical

AV Lebedev, E Westman, MK Beyer, MG Kramberger, C Aguilar, Z Pirtosek, D Aarsland (2013). Multivariate classification of patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia with Lewy bodies using high-dimensional cortical thickness measurements: an MRI surface-based morphometric study. Journal of neurology

[Full List at Google Scholar]

Popular Articles:

A.V. Lebedev. How Delving into Dreams Can Illuminate Individual And Societal Wellbeing.

A.V. Lebedev. The Use of Psychoactive Substances and the Risk of Developing Psychosis.

A.V. Lebedev. Medication-Free Treatment: An Alternative in Psychiatry?

психоделическая терапия, психоделический терапевт,  психоделики, консультация психолога Стокгольм, Александр Лебедев, Александр Лебедев психиатр, Александр Лебедев психолог, психоделическая интеграция, исследования психоделиков, лечение депрессии, юнгианский терапевт, измененные состояния сознания, трансперсональная психотерапия, психиатр, психотерапевт Стокгольм, Психотерапевт

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